Exeter Cathedral Choir and Cathedral School

Exeter Cathedral, located in Devon in southwest England, is home another fine choral program of the kind regularly found in the English cathedrals, both Anglican and Catholic. Like many of the Anglican cathedrals, Exeter boasts both a boys’ and a girls’ choir (up to 18 choristers in each, plus several probationers), whose choristers are educated at the Cathedral School. I found it interesting that choristers are not necessarily required to board, rather some board full time, some board only during the week, and some board only once or twice a week, in order to ease the burden of travel.

I would like to direct your attention the the Chorister Information Packet. This is well worth a read to find out more about the internal operations of the choir, etc. I find it fascinating to learn the number of hours a choir spends in rehearsal, how many liturgical functions the choir sings for and the process for chorister voice trials. I use this information to help me make decisions about my own choir. It is all very helpful.

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